
RF MicroNeedle

Increase collagen and elastin for plump, supple, tighter skin.

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What you should know

What Are the Available RF MicroNeedle Treatments?

RF MicroNeedle (30 mins)
Gold-tipped needles create micro-channels in the skin then deliver a radio frequency signal. This stimulates collagen and elastin in the skin, shrinking pores, lightening spots, and generating supple skin.

Best Skin Combo (70 mins)
RF MicroNeedle immediately followed by CO2 Cool Peel. This amazing combination reveals your best possible skin. The addition of CO2 Cool Peel enhances the benefits of RF MicroNeedle and further shrinks pores, eliminates dull skin, tightens the skin and reveals a fresh new texture and tone.

What Are the Benefits of the RF Microneedle Treatment?

Radio Frequency Microneedling is the latest advancement in skin rejuvenation technologies. Commanding the power of microneedles and radio frequency heat, it beautifully improves skin laxity, reduces facial wrinkles and fine lines, addresses acne scarring and blemishes, and improves skin texture and firmness. This revitalizing technique is popular and in high demand internationally because of its proven clinical results with no downtime.

How Does It Work?

RF MicroNeedle uses ultrafine gold insulated needles to access the dermis of the skin and stimulate the natural production of collagen. Radio frequency heat energy is delivered with energy and depth precision promoting the remodeling of collagen and elastin that tightens and lifts the skin.

Who is a Good Candidate?

RF Microneedling is safe for all skin types (I-VI), tones and textures. This procedure has minimal risk for post inflammatory hyperpigmentation and is ideal for those that are looking to reduce fine lines and spots and improve skin laxity.

What Can I Expect?

Our practitioners begin with a thorough cleanse of the face, followed by a topical numbing gel. During treatment, you will experience a light tapping and warm sensation as the microneedles create microchannels on your skin, releasing laser energy below the skin surface. You may experience some redness and skin sensitivity or tightness following the procedure, which typically resolves within 2-3 days depending on the extent of treatment.

Improvements in skin texture can be seen in 4-5 days with continued improvement for 2-weeks after each treatment. 4 consecutive treatments with quarterly maintenance produce the best results.


What you should know

RF MicroNeedle

Useful information


30 minutes per body part


4-6 monthly treatments recommended + Quarterly Maintenance

How to Prepare?

Pre-Treatment and Post-Treatment Care Instructions

Pre-Treatment Care

Come in with a clean face.

Avoid prolonged sun tanning or excessive tanned skin.

Stop all skin care products with retinol/tretinoin for one week prior to treatment.

Post-Treatment Care

2-3 days of mild redness; may last 5-7 days depending on the extent of the treatment, an individual’s skin condition and post-treatment care.

Keep the treatment area clean. Avoid touching your face.

Avoid letting your hair touch your face for 24-hours. Tie your hair up during sleep (for long hair).

Avoid pet kisses for 24-hours.

Use clean pillowcases and towels. 

Do not pick at, scratch, peel or rub the treated area. Do not remove any scabs from the treated area.

Avoid hot water for 24 hours post treatment.

Avoid saunas, hot yoga, hot cars, or extreme workouts for 48 hours post treatment.

No direct and/or prolonged sun exposure for at least 2 weeks.

Use sunscreen with SPF40+. Please apply sunscreen starting the following day post treatment.

Wear sun protective clothes, a hat, and sunglasses for at least 2 weeks.

Consider using Elta MD Laser Enzyme Gel to the treated area to promote skin recovery and keep skin cool/soft.

Okay to apply ice/cool compresses to the treated area if needed for comfort. Be sure to protect skin with soft/clean cloth when applying ice to prevent skin/soft tissue injury.

Resume normal skin care including makeup and skin products the following day post treatment.

Avoid chemical or physical exfoliant and all retinoid/tretinoin products for at least one week post treatment.

Avoid shaving the treated area post-treatment for at least 3-5 days or until your skin is healed without redness, peeling or irritation.

Stay hydrated by drinking at least 2 liters or 64 oz of water post treatment and the day after.

Avoid taking any blood thinning products such as aspirin or NSAIDs (ibuprofen) for at least 1 week post treatment.

Please contact us immediately if you experience any adverse effects post treatment such as fever/chills, facial redness, swelling, pain or discharge.


Possible Side Effects

These are the most common side effects that patients usually experience after undergoing the treatment:

Mild redness and swelling to the treated area.

Tightness and tingling sensation to the treated area.

Light peeling may occur to the treated area.


Possible Side Effects

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